I dont talk!
I speak!
And if yo butt doesnt go down and bow to buujack!
serious shit is gonna happen!
i change my mind so much i can't even trust it, my mind changes me so much i can't even trust myself
Age 32, Male
crappy Creator
Adelaide, Australia
Joined on 10/17/09
I dont talk!
I speak!
And if yo butt doesnt go down and bow to buujack!
serious shit is gonna happen!
That'd be good, it's been a while since shit has happened.
strange as it sounds, im sure you would find it an educational and memorable experience
only if you try it first
I already have.
And. I have one thing to say.
I regret it every second of my life.
Except when I'm unconscious...which tends to be often nowadays....
lmao, you still think i should try it even though you regret it so much!? D:
yo mama is shit!
different person may have different results
i guess gender might have to do with it.....
its a little harder for males to be their own mother, but its so unnatural that you might not be able to conceive the pain! :D
click the links :3
One Link didn't display the webpage.
If it's the third one then that's your fault.
*shuts eyes*
*holds breath*
*pinches nose*
aaaand -click-
*takes a peek*
good work :)
why thank you! ^_^
*pats on back* ^u^
ev er y da y
oh yea
i seem to have lost my senses
please tell me if you see them lying around somewhere
Oh shit! Not your senses D: ...I will let you know if I find anything.
g^%$#%$am, this place is shit
Fuckn hate this place.
have we ever had an actual conversation?
No, nothing more than comments on art or news posts or in a thread.
you are incapable of carrying a conversation
come back when you have mastered the english language
I believe in him.
its creepy because i knew a guy just like him not too long ago......
Was his name Alec Davenport?
comment on my newspost.
Now why the fuck would I want to do that?
No it was Alec Nguyen, but he had the same personality
he played guitar i think and, well he was asian so im guessing he liked to draw a little bit.....
Haha! Dude not even 5% of asians can draw.
FUck You!
FUCK the fact of you being a boy!
SO, HEY Stop wiggling BITCH!
yea ok, See you there soon
I see you have quite a party in your newspost Cloudy.
It is pretty crazy all up in here...
im not sure, you should try it XD
I'm not sure if I want to... s: