If you would like to join the band, can play an instrument and are artistic then please comment. You will need to be able to record yourself playing the instrument and it must be of a bareable quality.
Band members
J-bq - piano, melodica, euphonium, composer
Fishboy - drums
CloudEater - guitar, composer, digital drums
Havegum - piano, guitar
BigJonny - lyrics, voice acting, piano
Kinsei - guitar, vocals
Luxembourg - violin
Jeeshwa - guitar, bongos, beatboxing
Kakashi - violin, lyrics, organ,
Ornery - guitar, can sing really well
ZaneZansorrow - viola
Lundsfryd - vocals, mouth-harp, accordian, guitar, piano
Misagi - drums
Hoboweasel - guitar, tin whistle, violin, duck noises
Danopus - drums
non-Artistic backup members
Axlisbak - vocals, lyrics, guitar
SteelChair - bass guitar
SledgeHammerGuy - saxaphone (alto, bari)
lyric writers, more vocalists, more composers, more people that play stuff...?
Just compose a song and then specify what instruments you need in a comment and I'll add it to the list then people can learn the song, record it and send it back to you. Then when you've got all the parts just combine them together and submit the song :D (or shall we make a whole new account?)
Lyric Writers
Write some lyrics then post a link to them here so that people can put them to a tune and record them :D
Je jouer la guitar aussi!
Bien j'ajouterai que sous votre nom.